Wishing you a happy Autumn Equinox! Hope you are able to find a window of time to tune into this moment of planetary balance; where day and night are close to equal length (9.29pm, tonight, 20th March). I know it’s been a bumpy ride of late but the more we can tune in and find time to listen, let go and stop giving yourself a hard time! Tune in to balance, harmony, acceptance, truth.. The more we dissolve the barriers and blockages within, the more we have to give, and the more we give, the more our hearts expand!
I am making time to meditate, to listen, and to write in my amazing lunar journal by PriestessYourLife, and gear up for the next season which is a big one for me – lots of plans taking form and next month I am running my first workshop!
I can’t wait to open the door into the amazing world of real, raw fragrance and the power it holds, direct from nature, to twelve wonderful people who will join me on the 22nd April at Work-Shop, Fitzroy. I can’t wait to meet you!
In love, incense, and equinox blessings..
PS. Last weekend we were in the Otways at the wedding ceremony of two dear friends.. The image for this post is of an incense plate I created as an altar offering for people to use over the weekend.. It was sumptuous being out under the stars with Sunday night’s full moon and the fragrance of smouldering resins carrying our collective dreams up to the heavens.. Write in the comments if you’d like to enquire about having one at your event!